Thursday, 26 November 2009

LLUK Conference - 30% discount for IfL members

The Power of Lifelong Learning - Innovation During a Recession Recovery

Tuesday 8 December 2009

LLUK is holding its annual conference this year is on the subject of innovation in learning – whatever the economic climate.The event will be chaired by Lesley Riddoch, journalist and broadcaster, and other speakers will include Will Hutton, Executive Vice Chair, The Work Foundation; Stephen Uden, Head of Skills and Economic Affairs, Microsoft Ltd; Paul Sloane, author and speaker on lateral thinking, innovation and leadership; Sir David Melville, Chair, Lifelong Learning UK; Dame Lynne Brindley, Chief Executive of the British Library amongst others.

As members of the Institute for Learning you are already eligible for the reduced conference fees, and we’ve also arranged a 30% discount for anyone who signs up after reading this article.

To register for your discount, visit the LLUK conference website and enter the discount code (CDLR30) and discount name (LLUK EMC&N).

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